Top Trends in Senior Care Franchises


Among many things, senior care services can enhance the quality of life for older adults by addressing their overall needs—ensuring they receive appropriate care and support. For a home health care business to accomplish these, it must stay updated with the latest trends in senior care.

That’s where we at UR First Home Health Care Franchise, a tested and proven home care assistance franchise, come in! At our company, we put our best efforts into equipping owners with the necessary resources to offer top-notch care to their valued clients.

That said, here are trends in senior care franchises, straight from home care franchise specialists like us:

  • A Rise in the Number of Aging Individuals Aged 85 and Over
    While senior care is valuable at all stages of aging, it becomes especially beneficial for those aged 85 and older. By 2050, it is projected that one in five older adults will belong to this age group.
  • An Increased Desire to Age in Place
    Most adults aged 65 and older—specifically, 87% as per the AARP—express a desire to stay in their current home or community as they age. While this inclination has been growing for years, the pandemic has further emphasized its importance.
  • Technology Integration
    Technology is playing an increasingly significant role in senior care. Franchises incorporating innovative solutions such as remote monitoring, telehealth services, smart home devices, and electronic health records are gaining interest. Gain more insight into the role of technology in home care by browsing our website.

Want to set your home health care franchise up for success? Please feel free to contact us anytime!


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